Book BTR Tutoring:
Private Sessions
At BTR Tutoring, we offer private math tutoring for students in grades 5 - 7. With an accomplished classroom teacher, your child will receive individualized attention tailored to their learning style. Our sessions provide an excellent solution for parents who want to help their children succeed in math.
Sessions are priced at $75/hr.

1-on-1 Instruction
We specialize in providing personalized math education to help our students succeed. Our 1-on-1 sessions are tailored to meet each student's unique needs,

Grades 5 - 7
Students in grades 5 - 7 are at a critical point in their math careers. It's important that students form a strong mathematical foundation in order to succeed in the future.

Personalized Learning Plans
We offer personalized math learning plans to help students improve their skills beyond tutoring sessions. We work closely with students to improve their skills.
Private Sessions Interest Form
Please complete the form to get started with BTR Tutoring!